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Angular 2 Bootstrap (ngx-bootstrap/ng2-bootstrap) dropdown not working

I can only seem to get Angular Bootstrap dropdowns to work in one part of my application. I'm not sure why it works there and not in other places. In my module, I'm importing with BsDropdownModule.forRoot() just like it is where it works. I've tried pasting in HTML from several of their examples... Nothing. I know I had it working there before, and don't remember changing anything that had to do with it.

I'm not getting any errors and I'm not exactly sure how to proceed with troubleshooting this issue. I noticed the problem with ng2-bootstrap, so I upgraded to ngx-bootstrap. Same problem.


  • I figured out the issue. The dropdowns were actually working. The issue was that for some reason the y-position (top) for the .dropdownMenu was placing it beyond the bounds of the container it resided in, where it could not be seen. I'm still not sure why THAT is happening, but at least I have something to work with.