I have a position in space called X1. X1 has a velocity called V1. I need to construct an orthogonal plane perpendicular to the velocity vector. The origin of the plane is X1.
I need to turn the two edges from the plane into two vectors, E1 and E2. The edges connect at the origin. So the three vectors form an axis.
I'm using the GLM library for the vector mathematics.
In general you can define a plane in 3D using four numbers, e.g., Ax+By+Cz=D. You can think of the triple of numbers (A,B,C) as a vector that sticks out perpendicularly to the plane (called the normal vector).
The normal vector n = (A,B,C) only defines the orientation of the plane, so depending on the choice of the constant D you get planes at different distance from the origin.
If I understand your question correctly, the plane you're looking for has normal vector (A,B,C) = V1 and the constant D is obtained using the dot product: D = (A,B,C) . X1, i.e., D = AX1.x + BX1.y + C*X1.z.
Note you can also obtain the same result using the geometric equation of a plane n . ((x,y,z) - p0) = 0, where p0 is some point on the plane, which in your case is V1 . ( (x,y,z) - X1) = 0.