I have a factory that creates validator instances. I pass in an object to validate, and it gives me the validator that I can use to validate it.
public class ValidatorFactory : IValidatorFactory
public ValidatorFactory(IComponentContext container) { _container = container; }
private readonly IComponentContext _container;
public IValidator create(object objectToValidate)
var validatorType = typeof(IValidator<>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { objectToValidate.GetType() });
object validator;
_container.TryResolve(validatorType, out validator);
return validator as EntityValidatorI;
It works, but I need to pass in the container IComponentContext
Is there a better way where I don't need to do that?
Autofac has "Implicit Relationship Types" but I'm unsure how to use them here, as the type would only be known at runtime.
you can do something like below,
Instead of injecting IComponentContext
into your main classes, inject a generic
The code below might not compile as I quickly just wrote it here but I hope you get the idea.
public class ValidatorFactory : IValidatorFactory
public ValidatorFactory(Func<Type, IValidator> factory) { _factory = factory; }
private readonly Func<Type, IValidator> _factory;
public IValidator create(object objectToValidate)
var validatorType = typeof(IValidator<>).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { objectToValidate.GetType() });
return _factory(validatorType);
public static class YourBootstrapperClass{
public static void Register(ContainerBuilder containerBuilder){
containerBuilder.Register(ctx => new ValidatorFactory(type => {
object validator;
containerBuilder.TryResolve(validatorType, out validator);
return validator;