I'm building a flexdashboard in R with multiple pages (tabs). The navigation bar becomes two or more rows and overlaps/covers the content of the main panel when I reduce the width of the page.
How do I fix the navigation bar so that it remains one row regardless of width adjustment? Or how do I add padding between the navigation bar and main panel to prevent overlap?
I have attached images of the correct view and problematic view below.
What I want regardless of width adjustment: No overlap, container title "Chart B" is still visible
Edit: Here is the flexdashboard script used to provide the two images above.
title: "Untitled"
orientation: columns
vertical_layout: fill
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
Long Tab 1
### Chart A
Another Long Tab 2
Column {data-width=350}
### Chart B
Another Long Tab 3
### Chart C
Another Long Tab 4
Another Long Tab 5
Another Long Tab 6
I had the same problem -- just solved it (sorta) by using the data-navmenu attribute. It'll give you a drop-down menu instead of tabs, but it is a quick fix to the overlap problem.
Try, e.g.
--- title: "Untitled" output: flexdashboard::flex_dashboard: orientation: columns vertical_layout: fill --- ```{r setup, include=FALSE} library(flexdashboard) ``` Long Tab 1 {data-navmenu="Project Sections"} ============================================================ ### Chart A ```{r} ``` Another Long Tab 2 {data-navmenu="Project Sections"} ============================================================ Column {data-width=350} ----------------------------------------------------------------------- ### Chart B ```{r} ```