I created a script that reads information from a csv file and outputs it to a docx file. My issue is that when the docx file saves, it saves it to the same folder where my python script is located. I have a folder on my desktop, called python, within this folder is where I want to save the docx file. Below is a piece of my script where this should take place. Thanks for your help!
customer_list = r'C:\Users\path to csv file'
csv_file = read_emails(customer_list) #Function that turns csv into dictionary
for customer in csv_file:
word_template = r'C:\Users\path to word template'
document = Document(word_template)
customer_email = customer['email']
customer_contact = customer['contact']
terms = r'C:\Users\path to terms and conditions'
with open(terms,'r') as trms:
for line in trms:
filename = (customer_contact + '.docx')
document.save(filename) #Here I want to save to a different folder
Rather than passing just a filename
, if it doesn't already take a full path, amend the Document.save
method to take a full filepath and pass that instead.
filepath = r'C:\Users\desired path\' + filename