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tdd ioc container ninject contextual binding

I need some help with using contextual binding with ninject I Have something like this :

public interface ISound
    String Sound();

public class Cat : Animal
    private string category;
    private ISound sound;

    public Cat(ISound sound, int age, string name, string sex, string category)
         : base(age, name, sex)
        this.sound = sound;
        this.category = category;

public class CatSound : ISound
    public String Sound()
        return "Meow";

and exactly the same Dog Sound who implemets Sound and my bindingmodule:

 public class BindingModule:NinjectModule
    private readonly SelectorMode _typeofsound;

    public new StandardKernel Kernel => ServiceLocator.Kernel;

    public BindingModule(SelectorMode mode)
        _typeofsound = mode;

    public override  void Load()
        if (_typeofsound == SelectorMode.Dog)
        else if(_typeofsound==SelectorMode.Cat)


    public class SelectorMode
        public static SelectorMode Cat;
        public static SelectorMode Horse;
        public static SelectorMode Dog;


and the test i'm trying to run

public class WhenBindingCat:GivenABindingModule
            public void SouldBindItToCat()
                // var kernel=new Ninject.StandardKernel(new  )
                var sut = new BindingModule(SelectorMode.Cat);



and it don't know how i should assert here


  • Try something like this:

            public void SouldBindItToCat()
                var sut = new BindingModule(SelectorMode.Cat);
                IKernel kernel = new StandardKernel(sut);
                Assert.IsTrue(kernel.Get<ISound>() is Cat);


    replace SelectorMode class by enum

    public enum SelectorMode
        Cat, Horse, Dog   