I'm currently writing a Bitcoin-related app in Swift. As there are no native libraries for BIP32/39 available, I decided to go with js ones using JavaScriptCore.
The problem is, almost everything outputs undefined
in Swift, e.g.:
var pip_buffer = new Uint8Array(strength / 8);
This one works:
var pip_buffer = "Hello, world"
Here's my Swift code:
var context: JSContext?
private func initJS() {
context = JSContext()
if let jsSrcPath = Bundle.main.path(forResource: "script", ofType: "js") {
do {
let jsSrcContents = try String(contentsOfFile: jsSrcPath)
_ = context?.evaluateScript(jsSrcContents)
} catch let error {
private func getJSVar(name: String) {
if let vb = context?.objectForKeyedSubscript(name) {
override func viewDidLoad() {
getJSVar(name: "pip_buffer")
How to make this thing work?
Looking at JSValue API Doc I don't see any reference to Uint8Array
, which probably means that JavaScriptCore can't convert Uint8Array
to a "Swift" value.
You can use Array.from(pip_buffer)
on the JS side to convert your Uint8Array
to a regular number array, which works.
if let vb = context?.evaluateScript("Array.from(pip_buffer)") {
Once converted a regular JS number array, you can also use JSValue.toArray()
(Swift side), to get it as an array (and can also use toNumber()
, toInt32()
or toUInt32()
, for each item in the array).