Problem : I am trying to automate the saving of a file (manage to save the file when the below IE bar appears at the bottom of the page)
My code is going on my intranet, clicking here and there and then I click on an "Export" button which will trigger this from IE :
I didn't manage to find a way to automate the saving of the file because the only way (I think) to interact with this "window" is to use SendKeys.
In order to do so I have to "activate" this window (Yes, I have it activated for the HTML scraping with this bit of code, but it's not the active window though):
I tried using AppActivate
but for some reason it doesn't work.
There are 2 options to pass this obstacle :
Application.SendKeys "%{S}"
on itSo far I have gone through lots of posts talking about that subject but none gave an operational solution for that issue on IE 11.
Let me know if you want to see any bit of code, I have a lot of different attempts gathered from different posts but this would highly increase the length of this post.
Front-end automation is a tricky business. It can be really hard to find a solution that always works (those pesky users are free to move the mouse and click buttons at will, disrupting your code). Because you are taking the data from an intranet site, this suggests the data you need already exists within your organisation. If at all possible (and I know it isn't always) take the data from the servers/source systems, rather than via the UI.
AppActivate and SendKeys can be very fussy. Because the url is always the same a better approach would be to directly download it. Here is a example, based on another answer.
Before you can run code you will need to add two references:
From the VBA IDE click Tools >> References... and select from the list (the original answer does not use references, instead it uses late binding).
' Downloads a file from a given URL.
' URL String URL to get file. Ex: http:\\MySite\MyFile.
' Path String Location to save file. Ex: C:\Myfile.csv.
' Requires: Microsoft XML, v6.0
' Requires: Microsoft ActiveX Data Objects 2.8 Library.
Sub DownloadURL(ByVal URL As String, ByVal Path As String)
Dim httpXML As XMLHTTP60 ' Used to download data.
Dim st As ADODB.Stream ' Used to write downloaded data to file system.
Set httpXML = New XMLHTTP60
' Request file.
httpXML.Open "GET", URL, False
' Download response.
If httpXML.Status = 200 And httpXML.readyState = 4 Then
Set st = New ADODB.Stream
st.Type = adTypeBinary
st.Write httpXML.responseBody
st.SaveToFile Path, adSaveCreateOverWrite
MsgBox "Something went wrong :(", vbCritical, "An error occured"
End If
End Sub