I need to know the column type in PostgreSQL (i.e. varchar(20)
). I know that I could probably find this using \d
something in psql, but I need it to be done with a select query.
Is this possible in PostgreSQL?
You can fully describe a table using postgres with the following query:
a.attname as Column,
pg_catalog.format_type(a.atttypid, a.atttypmod) as Datatype
pg_catalog.pg_attribute a
a.attnum > 0
AND NOT a.attisdropped
AND a.attrelid = (
SELECT c.oid
FROM pg_catalog.pg_class c
LEFT JOIN pg_catalog.pg_namespace n ON n.oid = c.relnamespace
WHERE c.relname ~ '^(TABLENAME)$'
AND pg_catalog.pg_table_is_visible(c.oid)
Tith this you will retrieve column names and data type.
It is also possible to start psql client using the -E
$ psql -E
And then a simple \d mytable
will output the queries used by postgres to describe the table. It work for every psql describe commands.