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my program prints out a different result from what expected

so every time i try to put an "n" in, the first line will put out a number that is equal to n+1. so please help me what i did wrong! thank you

#include "../../../std_lib_facilities.h"
int main()
cout << "Enter a number: ";
double n;
cin >> n;
cout << "n: " << n
    << "\n++n: " << ++n
    << "\nThree times of n: " << n * 3
    << "\nTwice n: " << n + n
    << "\nHalf of n: " << n / 2
    << "\nSquare root of n " << sqrt(n);
int m = n;
cout << "\nInteger of n: " << m
    << "\nRemainder when divide n by 2: " << m % 2
    << "\nDivision when divide n by 2: \n" << m / 2;


  • n++ changes the value of n. None of your other expressions do. That fact that you get n+1 makes it pretty clear that the n++ is being evaluated before all the other "stuff" is output (and so n is already incremented).