I'm using EclipseLink as the JPA provider. Further I'm using the following TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance structure
@Inheritance(strategy = InheritanceType.TABLE_PER_CLASS)
@NamedQuery(name=Parent.QUERY_FIND_ALL, query="SELECT p FROM Parent p")
public class Parent {
// the class code follows here
@NamedQuery(name=Child.QUERY_FIND_ALL, query="SELECT c FROM Child c")
public class Child extends Parent {
// the class code follows here
The problem now is that I only want to receive entries of the parent class. But with the named query "SELECT p FROM Parent p" also all entries from the child table are returned.
The select or find code is as follows:
public List findWithNamedQuery(String query) {
return em.createNamedQuery(query).getResultList();
Thereby query is i.e. the "SELECT p FROM Parent p".
How can I only receive really the parent entries and not all entries of this inheritacne hierarchy?
In short: How can I leave all child entries untouched, and return only the parent entries?
I'm using EclipseLink 2.0.1, but every time I try axtavt's solution via the type expression, I get the following error:
"Invalid Type Expression on [my.domain.Parent]. The class does not have a descriptor, or a descriptor that does not use inheritance or uses a ClassExctractor for inheritance".
I've updated also to the latest stable version 2.1.1 of EclipseLink, but it doesn't resolve the issue.
The Type expression in combination with TABLE_PER_CLASS inheritance doesn' t work under EclipseLink 2.1.1, this seems to be a bug.
See also the answer to JPA 2.0: TYPE expression exception