So, I found a tutorial on creating a file browser using Gtk.TreeView but I'm facing a problem, when I select a file inside a folder I cant get the file's full path. I can get the model path but I don't know what to do with it.
This is my project tree:
├── browser
│ ├── index.html
│ └── markdown.min.js
├── ide-preview.png
├── __pycache__
│ ├── compiler.cpython-35.pyc
│ └── welcomeWindow.cpython-35.pyc
├── pyide-settings.json
├── resources
│ └── icons
│ ├── git-branch.svg
│ ├── git-branch-uptodate.svg
│ └── git-branch-waitforcommit.svg
When I click on
the path is 4
, but if I click on browser/markdown.min.js
I get 0:1
In my code I check if the path's length (I split the path by ':') is bigger than 1, if not I open the file normally, if it is... This is where I'm stuck. Anyone can help?
Here is my TreeSelection on changed function:
def onRowActivated(self, selection):
# print(path.to_string()) # Might do the job...
model, row = selection.get_selected()
if row is not None:
# print(model[row][0])
path = model.get_path(row).to_string()
pathArr = path.split(':')
fileFullPath = ''
if not os.path.isdir(os.path.realpath(model[row][0])):
# self.openFile(os.path.realpath(model[row][0]))
if len(pathArr) <= 1:
# Don't know what to do!
self.languageLbl.set_text('Language: {}'.format(self.sbuff.get_language().get_name()))
Full code is available at
Edit 1: Just to be more specific, my problem is that when I get the name of the file from the TreeView, I can't get the path before it, so I get index.html
instead of browser/index.html
I found a solution to my problem, the logic was to iterate through the path (e.g.: 4:3:5:0) backwards and get the last parent's name and then prepend to the path variable. So we have:
def onRowActivated(self, selection):
model, row = selection.get_selected()
if row is not None:
fullPath = ''
cur = row
while cur is not None:
fullPath = os.path.join(model[cur][0], fullPath)
cur = model.iter_parent(cur)
# do whatever with fullPath