Please explain the following error on struct constructor. If i change struct to class the erros are gone.
public struct DealImportRequest
public DealRequestBase DealReq { get; set; }
public int ImportRetryCounter { get; set; }
public DealImportRequest(DealRequestBase drb)
DealReq = drb;
ImportRetryCounter = 0;
As the error message recommends, you can resolve this by calling the default constructor from a constructor initializer.
public DealImportRequest(DealRequestBase drb) : this()
DealReq = drb;
ImportRetryCounter = 0;
From the language specification:
10.7.3 Automatically implemented properties
When a property is specified as an automatically implemented property, a hidden backing field is automatically available for the property, and the accessors are implemented to read from and write to that backing field. [...] Because the backing field is inaccessible, it can be read and written only through the property accessors, even within the containing type. [...] This restriction also means that definite assignment of struct types with auto-implemented properties can only be achieved using the standard constructor of the struct, since assigning to the property itself requires the struct to be definitely assigned. This means that user-defined constructors must call the default constructor.
The other (more verbose) alternative, of course, is to manually implement the properties and set the backing fields yourself in the constructor.
Do note that the struct you have there is mutable. This is not recommended. I suggest you either make the type a class (your compilation problems should go away immediately) or make the type immutable. The easiest way to accomplish this, assuming the code you have presented is the entire struct, would be to make the setters private (get; private set;
). Of course, you should also make sure that you don't add any mutating methods to the struct afterwards that rely on private access to modify the fields. Alternatively, you could back the properties with readonly
backing fields and get rid of the setters altogether.