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Writing a disk file using assembly on Commodore 64

I'm trying to learn how to write disk files using kernal routines following this Codebase64 Tutorial.

I have copied my routine, written in Acme Crossassembler, below. It failed to open file and gives error message: "FILE NOT OPENED"

; Definitions
OPEN   = $FFC0
CHROUT = $ffd2      

;Basic Start
    * = $0801                               ; BASIC start address (#2049)
    !byte $0d,$08,$dc,$07,$9e,$20,$34,$39   ; BASIC loader to start at     $c000...
    !byte $31,$35,$32,$00,$00,$00           ; puts BASIC line 2012 SYS 49152

;Program Code
    * = $c000                               ; Can be executed by writing sys 49152

    ldx #<message0         
    ldy #>message0   
    jsr printMessage    

    ; call SETNAM   
    lda #fname_end-fname    ; file name size
    ldx #<fname             ; file name vector
    ldy #>fname             ; file name vector
    jsr SETNAM              ; call SETNAM

    ; call SETFLS
    lda #$00
    ldx $BA                 ; last used device number
    bne +
        ldx #$08            ; default to device 8
+   ldy #$00
    jsr SETFLS              ; call SETLFS

    ;call OPEN
    jsr OPEN                ; call OPEN
    bcs .error1             ; if carry set, the file could not be opened

    ; call CHKOUT
    ldx #$02                ; filenumber=2
    jsr CHKOUT              ; file 2 now used as output

    ; Copy border color to the file
    jsr READST              ; call READST (read status byte)
    bne .error2             ; write error
    lda $d020               ; get byte from memory
    jsr CHROUT              ; write to file

    ldx #<message1         
    ldy #>message1     
    jsr printMessage

    lda #$02      ; filenumber 2
    jsr CLOSE     ; call CLOSE
    jsr CLRCHN    ; call CLRCHN

    ldx #<errorMsg1         
    ldy #>errorMsg1   
    jsr printMessage
    jmp .close

    ldx #<errorMsg2         
    ldy #>errorMsg2   
    jsr printMessage    
    jmp .close        

fname:  !tx "DATA,S,W"

message0:   !by 141 : !scr"SAVING" : !by 0
message1:   !by 141 : !scr"COLORS SAVED" : !by 0
errorMsg1:  !by 141 : !scr"FILE NOT OPENED" : !by 0
errorMsg2:  !by 17 : !scr"WRITE ERROR" : !by 0

; printMessage
;   Prints null terminated string to the memory
;   Input: x,y adress vector of text string 
temp     = $fb          ;zero page pointer

    stx temp            ;save string pointer LSB
    sty temp+1          ;save string pointer MSB
    ldy #0              ;starting string index

-   lda (temp),y        ;get a character
    beq +               ;end of string
        jsr CHROUT      ;print character
        iny             ;next
        bne -
    inc temp+1             
    bne -       
+ rts               

I've prepared the Basic Routine listed below using C64 Programmer's Reference. It works as expected in the very same environment.

10 OPEN 3,8,3, "O:DATA FILE,S,W"
30 CLOSE 3      

So, why my asm routine doesn't work?

I'm testing on Vice 2.4


  • Apperently the problem was in Logical number and secondary adress as indicated by J...

    I have fixed it by changing parts .i.e:

        ; call SETFLS
        lda #$03
        ldx $BA                 ; last used device number
        bne +
            ldx #$08            ; default to device 8
    +   ldy #$03
        jsr SETFLS              ; call SETLFS


        ; call CHKOUT
        ldx #$03                ; filenumber=3
        jsr CHKOUT             ; file 2 now used as output


        lda #$03      ; filenumber 3
        jsr CLOSE     ; call CLOSE
        jsr CLRCHN    ; call CLRCHN

    There are other issues like "COLORS SAVED" message got sent to the file instead of screen, but those can be fixed easily.