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RouteController failed to create a route in acs-engine

I'm trying to deploy my cluster using acs-engine I followed the steps everything went good. But then when i go kubectl get pods --all-namespaces I find some of them in pending state. On kubectl describe nodes I see this

NetworkUnavailable True Tue, 11 Apr 2017 10:31:20 +0000 Tue, 11 Apr 2017 10:31:20 +0000 NoRouteCreated RouteController failed to create a route

I have not used any network plugin and using the azure's default one. I have no idea what is wrong.

No of nodes : 1 No of master : 1

Please let me know what could be wrong.


  • This will happen when the service principal does not have Contributor access, scoped to the resource group of the route table. Once you recreate your service principal with contributor access, this will work. More information here: