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Convert RSAPublic key to X509Certificate (Java)

Q: Is it possible to read a RSA key pair from a Java Key Store can capture the public key subject identity from the public key?

I've generated a RSA with SHA1 2048 bit key using the Java Keytool and stored the key pair in a JKS file. I can load the key using the code from here: however I'm getting an RSAPublicKey, not an X509Certificate. The RSA Public Key doesn't have any methods to find the Subject Identity or DN from the public key.

Is there a way to convert the RSA Public Key or somehow derive the X509 certificate from it? Or maybe I'm just not understanding something.


  • And as usual, I came up with my own answer seconds after posting this. Talk about rubber duck coding. The solution was rather simple, I was looking in the wrong place. Code snippet below...

    Key key = keystore.getKey(alias, "password".toCharArray());
    if (key instanceof PrivateKey) {
      // Get certificate of public key
      Certificate cert = keystore.getCertificate(alias);
      //Answer > get the DN from 'cert.getSubjectDN()`
      // Get public key
      PublicKey publicKey = cert.getPublicKey();
      //publicKey is NOT where you can get the certificate DN....