How i can present view controller with all stack from appdelegate.
TabBarContoller is the rootviewcontoller.
I have 4 tabs on TabBarController and each of them are nav controllers.
So i need to present viewcontroller like this.
tabBar => navBar => mainViewContoller => aViewController => bViewController;
And i should be able to use to navigate back to the mainviewcontroller or navigate by tabbar.
I have a storyboard .
I tried a lot of solutions which were recommended by similar questions but it didn't help.
TabBarController * tabBar = (TabBarController *)[UIApplication sharedApplication].delegate.window.rootViewController;
if([tabBar isKindOfClass:[UITabBarController class]]){
[tabBar setSelectedIndex:0];
UINavigationController * navBar = (UINavigationController *)tabBar.selectedViewController;
UIViewController * currentVC = navBar.topViewController;
[currentVC performSegueWithIdentifier:@"notificationSegue" sender:nil];