I have successfully read the csv file from Amazon S3. But I have .pkl file of sentiment model. I want to load this .pkl file to predict sentiment. Here is my code -
import cPickle
import boto3
import pandas as pd
import boto3.session
session = boto3.session.Session(region_name='eu-central-1')
s3client = session.client('s3', config= boto3.session.Config(signature_version='s3v4'),aws_access_key_id='my-ACCESS-KEY-ID',
response = s3client.get_object(Bucket='sentiment-data', Key='positive_model_data.pkl')
nb_detector = cPickle.load(open(response['Body']))
nb_predict = nb_detector.predict('food is very good')[0]
print nb_predict
Error coercing to Unicode: need string or buffer, StreamingBody found
How to load pickel file from S3???
method requires a file. You need to use loads
method instead of load
. loads
requires string data, as stated in the error message. However, response['Body']
gives you StreamingBody
. StreamingBody
has a method named read
which can return string content.
body_string = response['Body'].read()
positive_model_data = cPickle.loads(body_string)
print positive_model_data
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