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How to embed a Rust macro variable into documentation?

I'd like to use a macro variable in the macro-generated documentation:

macro_rules! impl_foo {
    ($name:ident) => {
        /// Returns a new `$name`.
        fn myfoo() -> $name {


However, the variable won't be substituted. I also tried using the #[doc] attribute:

macro_rules! impl_foo {
    ($name:ident) => {
        #[doc = concat!("Returns a new `", $name, "`.")]
        fn myfoo() -> $name {


This one even fails to parse: unexpected token: 'concat'


  • This can be done using a recursive macro:

    macro_rules! impl_foo {
        ($name:ident, $sname:expr) => {
            #[doc = "Returns a new `"]
            #[doc = $sname]
            #[doc = "`."]
            pub fn myfoo() -> $name {
        ($name:tt) => {
            impl_foo!($name, stringify!($name));
    fn main() {
        println!("Hello, world!");

    Which renders as:

    Example from rustdoc