Why regular subsetting might not work? I wanted to calculate median from a data.table:
> median(DT.UsersA3[,1])
Error in median.default(DT.UsersA3[, 1]) : need numeric data
it is numeric though:
> class(DT.UsersA3$Timedif)
[1] "numeric"
With iris data frame it works:
> median(iris[,3])
[1] 4.35
And lexical subsetting also works...
> median(DT.UsersA3$Timedif)
[1] 422.046
Here is the example with iris
Iris <- data.table(iris)
# Error in median.default(Iris[, 1]) : need numeric data
Iris[,1] # is a data.table
Iris[,Sepal.Length] # is a vector
To use the number of the column you can follow the comment from Dason:
Iris[[1]] # would return a vector
median(Iris[[1]]) # works