I have no experience in patching/upgrading an installation.
We have a wix bundle setup with a standard (wix-created) msi inside which is added to the bundle this way:
<MsiPackage SourceFile="MySetup.msi" Id="MySetupId" Cache="yes" DisplayInternalUI="no" SuppressSignatureVerification ="yes" Visible="no" >
so in Add/Remove software section there is the bundle shown, not the msi itself.
Both, the msi and the bundle, are signed.
Currently our released version is "2.1.0.BuildNumber".
The bundle.wxs has upgrade code A The msi has product code B and upgrade code C.
Unfortunately this version contains a mean bug but we don't want to release "v2.2.0.BuildNumber" just because of this bug, but "2.1.1.BuildNumber", so we need a patch.
What is be best practise here? Should we just create a msp file described like here
Will this break the relationship between the bundle and the msi? Will this patch be shown in Add/Remove programms section?
Or is there a possibility to use the bundle for a patch?
Goal is, that our customers just can install the patch without deinstalling the old version, but can deinstall the whole scope using the formerly released bundle.
My personal advice is do not create patches unless absolutely necessary. You avoid a lot of trouble. The main problem IMO is that patches do not fit well onto source control and CI. First, you are not able to automatically increase the build number and include it into version number - it must remain the same. Second, creating an msp patch requires the binaries from the previous build be present during the new build. In MS technology the previous msi should be present, in WiX technology you cited you will need *.wixpdb from the previous build. Third (or the first?), the patch is a one-time action which should not be automated for continuous execution by CI.
If the bundle does not include its packages into exe but download them, a new bundle version can download only changed packages so that installation time will be small. Otherwise you are out of luck.
You need to create an msp upgrade for your buggy msi. The upgrade may or may not change the msi version, but if it does then the version of msi will not match the version of the bundle. User does not see msi version anyway.
You can install msp directly. When the bundle is uninstalled, msp will be uninstalled too. I do not know whether the msp will be visible in ARP (msi is not visible).
You may create a patch bundle. This is an independent bundle with its own upgrade code. It will contain
<Bundle .... ParentName="Name of your main bundle"...>
<RelatedBundle Id="YourMainBundleUpgradeCode" Action="Patch" />
Include MspPackage with your msp into the Chain.
This bundle will be visible in Installed Updates as a child of "Name of your main bundle" and it will be uninstalled with the main bundle or when a new version of the main bundle is installed.
You will also need to include a Condition to prevent installation of patch bundle when the main bundle of this particular version is not installed. There is no documented API to detect bundles (although you may use a RegistrySearch), but you may do ProductSearch for particular version of your msi included in main bundle.
Note that a new release of the main bundle with the same version number will install in parallel (there will be two identical entries in ARP) and new release with greater version number will automatically uninstall previous release. Thus, you cannot make new release of the main bundle.