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Cannot retrieve the reach estimate for some Facebook ads (from the API)

The API lacks some clear explanations on retrieving the reachestimate for either an ad account or an ad. I have made sure that:

  • I am an admin/ or added to a Facebook app
  • I have a paid advertising campaign
  • The adaccount ID is added in the Settings Advanced panel of the Developer App page

I've been trying to:

  1. In Graph API Explorer, retrieve the data by query expansion: me?fields=adaccounts{campaigns{adsets{ads{reachestimate}}}}. However, I always get one of the following (randomly): Error 1 Error 2 Error 3

  2. Still in the explorer, retrieve it by direct access: act_{adaccount_id}/reachestimate I get this, even if I am 100% sure the ad account is added in the Advanced Settings panel: Error 4

  3. Both of 1 and 2 in the iOS project. I get this: com.facebook.sdk.core error 8

  4. Test it by curl with the example from here. I get this (the same with the one from point 2): The ad account is not enabled for usage in Ads API.

Just as a further note, for point 1 that's not the whole query, but I didn't write the adjacent fields because they would've been redundant for the purpose of this question.

I simply need to retrieve the ad accounts, the campaigns, the ad sets and the reach estimate simultaneously in the same query. It seems like a dead spot for me. Do you have any suggestions? Can you show me a Graph API explorer working example? Or, if what I'm asking is impossible, can you simply show some code that works?


  • Apparently, I got:

    Please reduce the amount of data you're asking for, then retry your request.

    Because the query was to broad. Those 'adjacent' fields actually triggered a massive query, so the solution was to either:

    1. Put a limit(1) on the campaigns.
    2. Individually retrieve the reachestimate for each adset.

    I chose the latter because it suited my needs, but it's up to you which solution works better.