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how do i implement heap data structure using c++?

Using this simple example of a binary heap. How would i implement this data structure using c++ code.

                              / \
                             3   6
                            /\   /\
                           5  9 8  

Also apart from being able to gain easy access to the max or min values in an array, how is this data structure useful?

the example come from the following link:


  • Here is my simplest C++ implementation for heap. The code is well-commented.

    heap Heap;
    struct heap {
        int myarray[NN+1]; // myarray to store the numbers as heap, 1 indexed
        int n;  // the number of nodes in my array
        heap() { // constructor
            clear(); // we clear the heap
        void clear() { // initialize the heap
            n = 0; // initially there are no nodes in the heap
        void insert( int K ) { // inserting an element K in the heap
            if( n == NN ) { // the heap is full
                printf("cannot insert any more element, the heap is full\n");
            ++n; // so, we have a new element, we increased n before adding
            // the element because we start from index 1
            myarray[n] = K; // inserted the element at the rightmost position
            int p = n; // for keeping the current position
            while( p > 1 ) { // p = 1 means we are on the root, and its a heap
                int pr = p / 2; // pr is the parent of p
                if( myarray[pr] > myarray[p] ) { // parent is greater than child
                    swap( myarray[pr], myarray[p] );
                    p = pr; // now the new position of the current element is pr
                } else break; // otherwise its a heap, so we can stop here
        int remove() { // removing the minimum element from the heap
            if( n == 0 ) { // is the heap is empty
                printf("The heap is empty, cannot delete.\n");
                return -1;
            int K = myarray[1]; // first element in the heap is the minimum
            myarray[1] = myarray[n]; // brought the last element in 1st position
            n--; // as we removed one element, now we need to maintain the heap
            int p = 1; // as we moved the rightmost element in index 1
            while( 2 * p <= n ) { // means p has at least one child, if 2*p > n
                // we are sure that p is in the last level
                int ch = 2 * p; // contains the index of the child
                if( 2 * p + 1 <= n ) { // right child exists
                    if( myarray[ch] > myarray[ch+1] ) // right child is smaller
                        // than left child
                        ch++; // ch contains the index of the right child
                if( myarray[p] > myarray[ch] ) { // so, current node is larger
                    // than its child
                    swap( myarray[p], myarray[ch] );
                    p = ch; // new position of the current element
                } else break; //current node is smaller than its children, so heap
            return K; // as we stored the minimum element in K
        void print() { // printing the heap
            printf("Number of elements: %d\n", n);
            for( int i = 1; i <= n; i++ ) printf("%d ", myarray[i]);
        // Time: O(nlogn)
        // Extra space: O(1) as we will pass the input array as res here
        void heapSort(int* res) {
            for(int i = 0, len = n; i < len; ++i) {
                res[i] = remove();