I want to update the thumbnail of my video in picasa web albums using the API. I've got the Photos PHP sample code for the Photos data API running.
The documentation says that I can "Provide your own video thumbnail" by updating the photo.
I've tried the following function but nothing happens. Please help!
* Updates photo (for changing video thumbs
* @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client
* @param string $user The user's account name
* @param integer $albumId The album's id
* @param integer $photoId The photo's id
* @param array $photo The uploaded photo
* @return void
function updatePhoto($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId, $photo)
$photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client);
$photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery;
$entry = $photos->getPhotoEntry($photoQuery);
$fd = $photos->newMediaFileSource($photo["tmp_name"]);
outputPhotoFeed($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId);
i was nearly right, updated code that works...
* Updates photo (for changing video thumbs
* @param Zend_Http_Client $client The authenticated client
* @param string $user The user's account name
* @param integer $albumId The album's id
* @param integer $photoId The photo's id
* @param array $photo The uploaded photo
* @return void
function updatePhoto($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId, $photo)
$photos = new Zend_Gdata_Photos($client);
$photoQuery = new Zend_Gdata_Photos_PhotoQuery;
$entry = $photos->getPhotoEntry($photoQuery);
$uri = $entry->getLink("edit-media")->href;
$fd = $photos->newMediaFileSource($photo["tmp_name"]);
$result = $entry->save($uri);
if ($result) {
outputPhotoFeed($client, $user, $albumId, $photoId);
} else {
echo "There was an issue with upating this photo.";
See 'Updating Thumbnails of Picasa Web Videos' for full code and working example.