i really stuck at this problem i cant swipe and then select the year at this datepicker, maybe some experienced on automation can give solution this tupe of datepicker i wabt to handle
i had code from result of recorded test like below,
let datePickersQuery = app.datePickers
let pickerWheel = datePickersQuery.pickerWheels["2000"]
let pickerWheel2 = datePickersQuery.pickerWheels["1996"]
but still force close when running the test
You interact with date pickers a little differently and I have never seen recorded tests "get it right". You should use app.datePickers["Your matcher"].adjust(toPickerWheelValue: <String>)
in order to set a value for a picker.
If you're having trouble with your date picker query, you can specify the index of which picker wheel you want to set by app.datePickers.element(boundBy: <UInt>)
Here's the link to the apple reference doc https://developer.apple.com/reference/xctest/xcuielement/1618672-adjust