My goal it to assert that new Bassist()
was called by the start()
method and create a mock object, instead.
This the second test is currently failing with the error "Expected spy constructor to have been called."
class Bassist {
constructor() {
console.log('bassist joined')
class Drummer {
constructor() {
console.log('drummer joined')
class Band {
constructor(name) { = name
this.bassist = null
this.drummer = null
start() {
this.bassist = new Bassist()
this.drummer = new Drummer()
describe('Band', () => {
describe('start()', () => {
it('sets the bassist property', () => {
let band = new Band('The Foobars')
it('creates a new bassist', () => {
spy = spyOn(Bassist.prototype, 'constructor')
band = new Band('The Foobars')
console.log('expect was called')
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After a lot of trial and error (and searching), I wasn't able to override the call to new Bassist()
and replace it with a spy object. Instead, I created a separate method within the Band class to handle Bassist object creation, and then put a spy on it.
Who knows if this is good practice, but it works for me.
class Bassist {
constructor() {
console.log('bassist joined')
class Band {
constructor(name) { = name
this.bassist = null
start() {
this.bassist = this.createBassist()
createBassist() {
return new Bassist()
describe('Band', () => {
let band, createBassistSpy, bassistSpy
beforeEach(() => {
// setup spies
bassistSpy = jasmine.createSpyObj('bassist', ['shred', 'quit', 'otherSickMethod'])
createBassistSpy = spyOn(Band.prototype, 'createBassist')
// init subject being tested
band = new Band('The Foobars')
describe('new', () => {
it('initializes bassist to null', () => {
describe('start()', () => {
it('calls the createBassist() method', () => {
// Not a great test, but ensures we are working with the
// bassistSpy object, and not something else.
it('sets the bassist property', () => {
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