I ran an interactive rebase up to commit abcdef
git rebase -i abcdef
In the editor - Vim I changed all pick hash
lines to
reword hash PREFIX: Original commit message
using this vim command
%s/pick \(\w\{7}\)/reword \1 PREFIX:/
but then git goes on to prompt me to edit the message for every commit. Is there a simple way to batch this process?
git rebase -i abcdef
or alternately you could
git -c core.editor='sed -i "1s/^/PREFIX: /"' \
-c sequence.editor=vim \
rebase -i abcdef
if you don't want to use the environment overrides.
If you know you're going to reword them all you could even sed the sequence, GIT_SEQUENCE_EDITOR='sed -i "s/^pick/reword/"'