I have a list of teachers with properties like:
teacher 1 skills = English, Math
teacher 1 gender = Male
teacher 2 skills = Spanish, Math, Law
teacher 1 gender = sex = Female
teacher 3 skills = English, Geography
teacher 3 gender = Male
First of all I want to tell how many English (and any other matter) teachers there are, since the skills can be various, what I do is to check for a duplicate in the array and count it:
$stack = array();
$blogusers = get_users( 'orderby=nicename&role=author' );
foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) {
$myUsers = $user->user_description (this is the skill list);
$mystrings = strtolower($user->user_description);
$descTokens = explode(',', $mystrings);
$descTokens = array_map('trim',$descTokens);
$stack = array_merge($stack, $descTokens);
$count_values = array();
foreach ($stack as $a) {
$total_duplicates = 0;
foreach ($count_values as $a) {
} else{
$total_duplicates += $count_values[$a];
Then do this
<ul class="margin-top-20">
foreach ($count_values as $key=>$count ) {
echo '<li>'.$count.' di <strong>'.$key.'</li>';
That's correct, the output is right:
2 English teachers
2 Math teachers
1 Spanish
1 Law
1 Geography
But I also have the gender, so ideally I would like to have
2 English teachers, 1 male, 1 male
2 Math teachers, 1 male, 1 female
1 Spanish, 1 female
1 Law, 1 female
1 Geography, 1 male
I tried adding:
$sex = array();
$user_sex = get_user_meta( $the_user_id, $gender, $single );
array_push($sex, $user_sex);
foreach($descTokens as $lang){
$userSex[$lang] += $user_sex;
foreach ($count_values as $key=>$count ) {
echo '<li>'.$count.' di <strong>'.$key.' gender '. $userSex[$key] .'</li>';
But that's not right.
Fullcode I am trying:
$stack = array();
$userID = array();
$nPost = array();
$listmaterie = array();
$materie = array();
$gender = 'sesso';
$single = true;
$sex = array();
$blogusers = get_users( 'orderby=nicename&role=author' );
$userSex = array();
foreach ( $blogusers as $user ) {
$myUsers = $user->user_description;
$mystrings = strtolower($user->user_description);
$descTokens = explode(',', $mystrings);
$descTokens = array_map('trim',$descTokens);
$stack = array_merge($stack, $descTokens);
$the_user_id = $user->ID;
$numPosts = count_user_posts( $the_user_id );
array_push($userID, $the_user_id);
array_push($nPost, $numPosts);
$user_sex = get_user_meta( $the_user_id, $gender, $single );
array_push($sex, $user_sex);
foreach($descTokens as $lang){
$userSex[$lang] += $user_sex;
// get the count for each language by counting the duplicate strings;
$count_values = array();
foreach ($stack as $a) {
$total_duplicates = 0;
foreach ($count_values as $a) {
} else{
$total_duplicates += $count_values[$a];
$count_sex = array();
foreach ($sex as $b) {
$total_duplicates_sex = 0;
foreach ($count_sex as $b) {
} else{
$total_duplicates_sex += $count_sex[$b];
<h3 class="margin-top-40">Numero complessivo docenti su Jikū:</h3>
<ul class="margin-top-20 margin-bottom-20">
$totalInsegnanti = count($userID);
echo '<li>'. $totalInsegnanti .'</li>';
<h3>Totale insegnanti per materia su Jikū:</h3>
<ul class="margin-top-20">
foreach ($count_values as $key=>$count ) {
echo '<li>'.$count.' di <strong>'.$key.' gender '. $userSex[$key] .'</li>';
<h3>Totale insegnanti sesso su Jikū:</h3>
<ul class="margin-top-20">
foreach ($count_sex as $key=>$count_sex) {
echo '<li>'.$count_sex.' <strong>'.$key.'</strong></li>';
Dumps I have 3 users
array(11) { [0]=> string(8) "francese" [1]=> string(7) "chimica" [2]=> string(6) "fisica" [3]=> string(7) "scienze" [4]=> string(7) "inglese" [5]=> string(6) "fisica" [6]=> string(7) "chimica" [7]=> string(8) "spagnolo" [8]=> string(8) "francese" [9]=> string(6) "fisica" [10]=> string(8) "italiano" }
array(3) { [0]=> string(7) "maschio" [1]=> string(7) "maschio" [2]=> string(7) "femmina" }
foreach($blogusers as $user){
foreach(explode(', ',$user->user_description) as $skill){ //"comma then space" delimited
$result[$skill][]=get_user_meta($user->ID,'sesso','true'); // push user's gender into subject's array
foreach($result as $subject=>$gender_array){
echo "<div>",sizeof($gender_array)," $subject teachers";
$count_genders=array_count_values($gender_array); // avoids php NOTICE @ array_walk
array_walk($count_genders,function($v,$k){echo ", $v $k",($v!=1?"s":"");});
echo "</div>";
Considering your sample input data, my method will output this:
2 English teachers, 2 Males
2 Math teachers, 1 Male, 1 Female
1 Spanish teachers, 1 Female
1 Law teachers, 1 Female
1 Geography teachers, 1 Male