I am trying to delete all documents from a database but i want to preserve the views. So i tried
//First, get all DesignDocument for the current database
List<DesignDocument> dbDesigns = cloudant.getDesignDocumentManager().list();
//Now, we delete the database
//now we create the database again
cloudant = cloudantClient.database(_DatabaseName, true);
//finally, try to add the DesignDocuments back
if (dbDesigns != null && dbDesigns.size() > 0) {
for (DesignDocument dDoc : dbDesigns) {
Response response = cloudant.getDesignDocumentManager().put(dDoc);
but i get error at
Response response = cloudant.getDesignDocumentManager().put(dDoc);
java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: rev should be null
at com.cloudant.client.org.lightcouch.internal.CouchDbUtil.assertNull(CouchDbUtil.java:72)
at com.cloudant.client.org.lightcouch.CouchDbClient.put(CouchDbClient.java:410)
at com.cloudant.client.org.lightcouch.CouchDbClient.put(CouchDbClient.java:394)
at com.cloudant.client.org.lightcouch.CouchDatabaseBase.save(CouchDatabaseBase.java:196)
at com.cloudant.client.api.Database.save(Database.java:710)
at com.cloudant.client.api.DesignDocumentManager.put(DesignDocumentManager.java:122)
is there any other way to preserve the views?
I'm suspecting the error is raised because the document revision property (_rev
) is set in dDoc
. However, since a document with a matching id is not found in the database the put
method raises an error. Try setting the revision to null using the setRevision
method prior to invoking put
Response response = cloudant.getDesignDocumentManager().put(dDoc);