How one can fetch multiple columns data using neo4jClient -
For eq. the example shown on link
Cyper query to fetch multiple column collection
The sample shown above passes properties of event node for collection instead of complete event node.
The query I am constructing takes few properties from the event node and few properties from the relation.
For eq. The relation attribute "registerd_on" needs to be added. So how to pass multiple properties for collection ?
It's not very nice, but if you look at what is returned by doing a collection you get an array of arrays, but these arrays don't have properties as such, so you can only really parse them as string
Using the :play movies
dataset as a base:
var query = gc.Cypher
.Match("(p:Person {name:'Tom Hanks'})-->(m:Movie)")
.With("p, collect([m.title, m.released]) as collection")
.Return((p, collection) => new
Person = p.As<Person>(),
Collection = Return.As<IEnumerable<IEnumerable<string>>>("collection")
where Person
is :
public class Person
public string name { get; set; }
You can then access the data like so:
foreach (var result in results)
Console.WriteLine($"Person: {}");
foreach (var collection in result.Collection)
foreach (var item in collection)
which is not nice :/