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Codeception REST API call for HTTPS url

I'm looking for a codeception configuration to use the Codeception REST Module to make calls against a secured https url.

For example I want to check the online status of our slack bot:

    $slackApiUrl = '';

    $params = [
        'token' => $apiToken,
        'user' => $botUserId,

    $I->sendPOST($slackApiUrl, $params);

When I execute the test, I'll get a guzzle error like

[GuzzleHttp\Exception\ConnectException] cURL error 35: SSL: CA certificate set, but certificate verification is disabled (see

I knew, that the default of codeception switch off https secured urls but how can I activate https, when I need it?

My suite.yml:

class_name: AcceptanceTester
        - REST:
            url: *****
            depends: PhpBrowser
        - PhpBrowser
        - Asserts
        - \Helper\Acceptance


  • I could answer myself. It`s the codeception version. After updating to Codeception v2.2, the same test works like expected.

    Codeception PHP Testing Framework v2.2.8
    Powered by PHPUnit 5.7.15 by Sebastian Bergmann and contributors.
    [Groups] slack
    Acceptance (live) Tests (1) --------------------------------------------------------------------------
    Modules: REST, PhpBrowser, Asserts, \Helper\Acceptance
    slackCest: Check slack bot online status
      I send post ""
      [Response] {"ok":true,"presence":"active"}
     I am going to Check SlackBot online status
     I see response contains json {"ok":true,"presence":"active"}