I would transfer the Windor installer in the web.config of my webapplication, but I need to pass a parameter that is a static attribute of a class. There's an example:
// (namespace Web)
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
.DependsOn(Dependency.OnValue("store", MvcApplication.GlobalStore))
My actual web.config:
service="Core.Business.IRepository, Core"
type="EF.Business.Repository, EF"
<store>Web.MvcAppltication.GlobalStore ???</store>
I concluded that something has to be defined in the code. Therefore I decided the way of create a facility.
My new code:
service="Core.Business.IRepository, Core"
type="EF.Business.Repository`1[[EF.CreationContext, EF]], EF"
public class RuntimeDataSupportFacility : AbstractFacility
protected override void Init()
Kernel.Resolver.AddSubResolver(new RuntimeDataDependencyResolver());
public class RuntimeDataDependencyResolver : ISubDependencyResolver
private Type[] acceptedTypes = new[] { typeof(IDictionary<String, Object>) };
public object Resolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, ComponentModel model, DependencyModel dependency)
if (ReferenceEquals(dependency.TargetType, acceptedTypes[0])) // typeof(IDictionary<String, Object>
return MvcApplication.GlobalStore;
return null;
public bool CanResolve(CreationContext context, ISubDependencyResolver contextHandlerResolver, ComponentModel model, DependencyModel dependency)
if (acceptedTypes.Any(t => ReferenceEquals(t, dependency.TargetType)))
return true;
return false;
And on Global.asax.Application_Start():
Container =
new WindsorContainer()
.AddFacility<RuntimeDataSupportFacility>() // New code