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Font Awesome and Unicode Characters Materialize

I am using google's css framework materialize which is really nice.

This framework has its own select element which dynamically changes to ul.

I am also using the fontawesome icons css framework and my idea is to put an icon in the select as follows

<select name="note[type]">
   <option value="1"><i class="fa fa-car"></i>Car</option>

But it does not display the icon on the other hand if i write: &#xf07e; instead of the <i> tag it gets displayed correctly (note that is not the actual code of the car icon).

So my question is: I fill the icons dynamically from the database, is there a way that from the icon class such as fa-car you get the unicode character via php/javascript?

Thanks and Regards


  • I have solved this in my own way here is the answer for those who might have my problem:

    First of all on StackOverflow i found how to breakcss to an array using this function:

    private function BreakCSS($css)
        $results = array();
        preg_match_all('/(.+?)\s?\{\s?(.+?)\s?\}/', $css, $matches);
        foreach($matches[0] AS $i=>$original)
            foreach(explode(';', $matches[2][$i]) AS $attr)
                if (strlen(trim($attr)) > 0) // for missing semicolon on last element, which is legal
                    list($name, $value) = explode(':', $attr);
                    $results[$matches[1][$i]][trim($name)] = trim($value);
        return $results;

    I loaded all the fontawesome code using file_get_contents and passed it to BreakCss.

    All as below:

    public function GetIcon($icon)
        $icon = $icon.":before";
        $fa = file_get_contents(A_CSS.DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR."font-awesome.min.css");
        $arr = $this->BreakCSS($fa);
        $char = "";
        foreach($arr as $selector=>$style)
            if (strpos($selector, $icon))
                $char = str_replace("\\", "&#x", str_replace("\"", "", $style['content'])).";";
        return $char;

    Usage GetIcon("fa-car");

    Hope this helps!