i am integrating an iPhone App integrating it with QuickBlox
my question is , can we send notifications to users that were added to a private group using QuickBlox
PS - i am not using APNS just dealing with local notifications.
It will be possible to get "all the dialogs from Quickblox" which are initiated with your Quickblox ids.
now after getting all the dialogs - you need to identify which are new/unread messages and based on that you may able to generate the local notification for each new dialog.
below is the code to get all the dialogs from Quickblox service.
/** Retrieve chat dialogs for page
@param page Page with skip and limit
@param extendedRequest Set of request parameters
@param successBlock Block with response instance, arrays of chat dialogs and chat dialogs users IDs and page instance if request succeded
@param errorBlock Block with response instance if request failed
@return An instance of QBRequest for cancel operation mainly.
+ (QB_NONNULL QBRequest *)dialogsForPage:(QB_NULLABLE QBResponsePage *)page
extendedRequest:(QB_NULLABLE NSDictionary QB_GENERIC(NSString *, NSString *) *)extendedRequest
successBlock:(QB_NULLABLE void(^)(QBResponse * QB_NONNULL_S response, NSArray QB_GENERIC(QBChatDialog *) * QB_NULLABLE_S dialogObjects,NSSet QB_GENERIC(NSNumber *) * QB_NULLABLE_S dialogsUsersIDs, QBResponsePage * QB_NULLABLE_S page))successBlock
errorBlock:(QB_NULLABLE QBRequestErrorBlock)errorBlock;
Hope it will be helpful to you.