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Simmer R package: Modeling 2 Patients Arriving with Constant Inter-Arrival Time

I realize there are not a lot of questions here about using the Simmer package for discrete events simulation in R, but I have gone through all the vignettes and cannot find an answer to perform this seemingly simple task.

I would like to model 2 customers arriving at a random, triangularly distributed check in, with a constant inter-arrival time of 10 minutes. Here is the trajectory I have created using simmer:

 traj <- trajectory("admin") %>%
    seize("check_in") %>% 
    timeout(function() rtriangle(a=1, b=3, c=2)) %>% 

outpat_clinic <- simmer() %>%
 add_generator("customer", traj, function(){c(0,rep(20,5),-1)}) %>%
 add_resource("check_in", 1)

The 'Many customers' subheading here: Is what I have used to get the code above.

Running the above code and checking arrival times shows that the above code simulates a constant inter-arrival time of 20 minutes, but does not have the feature of 2 patients arriving at those times. I am unsure how to create a function to reflect this.

Running the model gives me the following output:

run(clinic, 100)

       name start_time  end_time activity_time finished replication
1 customer0          0  1.623746      1.623746     TRUE           1
2 customer1         20 22.336749      2.336749     TRUE           1
3 customer2         40 42.216531      2.216531     TRUE           1
4 customer3         60 62.019354      2.019354     TRUE           1
5 customer4         80 81.995766      1.995766     TRUE           1

Any insights on this would be much appreciated.


  • Just started playing with this nifty package myself. Could you not just include another add_generator for the same trajectory?

    # with inter-arrival time = 10 mins
    clinic <- simmer() %>%
     add_generator("customer_1", traj, function(){c(0,rep(10,5),-1)}) %>%
     add_generator("customer_2", traj, function(){c(0,rep(10,5),-1)}) %>%
     add_resource("check_in", 1)


              name start_time  end_time activity_time finished replication
    1  customer_10          0  2.391233      2.391233     TRUE           1
    2  customer_20          0  4.699580      2.308347     TRUE           1
    3  customer_11         10 11.700081      1.700081     TRUE           1
    4  customer_21         10 13.459180      1.759099     TRUE           1
    5  customer_12         20 21.723494      1.723494     TRUE           1
    6  customer_22         20 23.515589      1.792095     TRUE           1
    7  customer_13         30 31.279699      1.279699     TRUE           1
    8  customer_23         30 32.797642      1.517943     TRUE           1
    9  customer_14         40 41.730055      1.730055     TRUE           1
    10 customer_24         40 43.690247      1.960192     TRUE           1
    11 customer_15         50 52.748773      2.748773     TRUE           1
    12 customer_25         50 53.986411      1.237638     TRUE           1

    Also i think your trajectory has the timeout following a random triangualar dist, not the arrival. There's also some info here on combining separate trajectories.