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How to update array's field in Mongodb with Go

I want to change stu1 to stu3

import (
type Student struct {
    Name string `bson:"name"`
    Age  string `bson:"age"`
type Class struct {
    Id      string    `bson:"_id"`
    Student []Student `bson:"student"`

col := mongosession.DB("test").C("class")

stu1 := Student{"jack", "18"}
stu2 := Student{"rose", "16"}
class := Class{Id: "123", Student: []Student{stu1, stu2}}

stu3 := Student{"lisi", "14"}

How do I do the update? Is it like the following

col.Update(bson.M{"_id": "123"},
            bson.M{"$set": bson.M{"student": ??????}})

Any help will be appreciated!


  • You can use the $set operator and the dot notation :

    err := col.Update(
      bson.M{"_id": "123"},
        "$set": bson.M{
          "student.0": &stu3