I am trying to cache variables when JS first runs, and I need to check for classes on html
element either .supports-no-touch
or .no-touch
(to make sure to catch either versions depending on which version Modernizr is used).
When I run it like this,
window.MyScript = window.MyScript || {};
MyScript.cacheSelectors = function () {
MyScript.cache = {
$slideoutNavDesktop: ($('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') || $('.no-touch #slideoutNav'))
// OR
// $slideoutNavDesktop: $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') ? $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') : $('.no-touch #slideoutNav')
console.log( MyScript.cache.$slideoutNavDesktop );
The result of the console.log is empty jQuery object, like: undefined
► [prevObject: n.fn.init(1), context: document, selector: ".supports-no-touch #slideoutNav"]
When I run the same code in console, like
console.log( $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') || $('.no-touch #slideoutNav') );
console.log( $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') ? $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') : $('.no-touch #slideoutNav') );
I get the right element.
Also, I know that on page load, the html
element does have the .no-touch
What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I was getting undefined
due to a spelling error in the variable reference.
jQuery always returns a non-null
object reference, which is always truthy, so neither of those will work. I think the results you're seeing in the console are the result of some kind of confusion (the console can be a bit confusing).
You can use the conditional operator, but you need to check .length
var x = $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav').length ? $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav') : $('.no-touch #slideoutNav');
...but that does the DOM query twice. So instead:
var x = $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav');
if (!x.length) {
x = $('.no-touch #slideoutNav');
But, the simpler answer is to use a selector group and take the first (possibly only) result:
var x = $('.supports-no-touch #slideoutNav, .no-touch #slideoutNav').first();
Note: Your query suggests that you have the same ID on more than one element. That's invalid. ID values must be unique. So if you're going to use the above, I suggest changing the #slideoutNav
to .slideout-nav
or similar, and changing id="slideoutNav"
on the elements involved to class="slideout-nav"
(adding slideout-nav
to their existing class
attribute if they have one).