I want to define a class of functions that follow this mathematical definition:
Definition Given a function q(t) and two values, a and b, we define as variation the following function
| q(t) if s=0 or t=a or t=b
v(t,s) = |
| v(t,s) else
I'm trying to emulate this behaviour definition with a Function
from sympy import Function
class Variation(Function):
# Initialize the function with the desired properties
def __init__(self, path, st, en, name='\\vartheta'):
self.path = path
self.st = st
self.en= en
self.ends = [self.st, self.en]
self.name = name
# here I define the behaviour when called
def __call__(self, tt, ss):
if tt in self.ends:
return self.path(tt)
elif ss == 0:
return self.path(tt)
return Function(self.name)(tt,ss) # This is the part that fails to behave
The function behaves well when called:
from sympy import *
s,t,a,b = symbols('s t a b')
c = Function('c')
Var = Variation(c, a, b)
Var(t,s), Var(a,s), Var(t,0)
> \vartheta(t,s), q(a), q(t)
but as expected, if we do:
> \vartheta(t,0)
Is there a way to modify the .subs()
's method behaviour? Because as far as I am aware, the integrate()
function makes use of subs()
I also tried changing Function(self.name)(tt,ss)
to self(tt,ss)
but this gave me an infinite loop (also expected).
On the same note, is there a good guide to construct arbitrary mathematical functions on python?
Edit: Tried
def Var(t,s):
return Piecewise((c(t), s==0), (c(t), t==a), (c(t), t==b), (Function('v')(t,s), True ))
but it had the same problems.
I think you need to reshape how you go about this a bit.
function.You really want Var
in your example to be a Function
class. sympy
is designed around functions being classes and using the eval()
class method to evaluate them. Overriding __call__
of a Function
subclass seems to be very non-standard and I haven't seen any sympy
built-in functions that use that, so I don't think that's the right approach. One way of doing this would be to create a factory function to create the class for you:
def Variation(path_, st_, en_, v_):
class Variation(Function):
nargs = 2
path = path_
st = st_
en = en_
ends = [st, en]
v = v_
def eval(cls, tt, ss):
if tt in cls.ends:
return cls.path(tt)
if ss == 0:
return cls.path(tt)
return cls.v(tt, ss)
return Variation
Var = Variation(c, a, b, Function(r'\vartheta'))
variable with an actual function, which seems more sensible.Now you can create variations and prevent immediate evaluation (if you want) using the standard flag:
# by default the function is immediately evaluated...
Var(a, t)
>>> c(a)
# ...but that can be overridden
Var(a, t, evaluate=False)
>>> Variation(a, t)
You could also approach this by flattening the Var
function and passing st
and path
parameters straight into eval()
, which removes the extra layer of the factory function:
class Variation(Function):
def eval(cls, path, st, en, v, tt, ss):
if tt in [st, en]:
return path(tt)
elif ss == 0:
return path(tt)
return v(tt, ss)
Variation(c, a, b, Function(r'\vartheta'), a, t)
>>> Variation(c, a, b, \vartheta, a, t)
Note that since you can override .eval()
you could modify it so that it didn't automatically simplify if you wanted, and just returned a new instance of cls
class Variation(Function):
no_eval = True
def eval(cls, tt, ss):
if cls.no_eval:
return cls(tt, ss, evaluate=False)
# etc.
By default whenever you do a subs()
, sympy will do an eval()
as well (as per the .subs()
docs). So by default when you do a .subs()
with one of your special values, .eval()
will be called and the function will be simplified.
However, you can now override ._eval_subs()
and do your own thing, if you want:
class Variation(Function):
def _eval_subs(self, old, new):
# return self to do no substitutions at all
return self
# return None to continue normally by next calling _subs on the arguments to this Function
# return some other Expression to return that instead.
Note that anything returned by ._eval_subs()
will subsequently be .eval()
ed as well. You can override .eval()
as explained above if you wanted to get round that.
So I think that answers the question about how to modify the .subs()
I don't quite understand what you want with:
is there a good guide to construct arbitrary mathematical functions on python?
I think sympy
is pretty good, and has reasonable docs and many many inbuilt examples in its codebase which are easy to crib from. Anyway asking for guides is off-topic (see point 4) on stackoverflow ;-).