I made a custom cell added a button, labels inside.
to delete the cell, when clicking the button, it will pass array[Index]
, using like button.tag = indexPath.row
, then request to the server.
by the way, those functions dont work below:
.onCellSelection{ cell, row in ...}
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, didDeselectRowAt indexPath: IndexPath)
also inside
? isnil
. hopefully could get the indexPath with the button.
custom cell
public class SnsReplyCell: Cell<Tmp_ReplyList>, CellType {
@IBOutlet weak var profileImg: UIImageView!
@IBOutlet weak var replyUser: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var replyBody: UILabel!
@IBOutlet weak var delBtn: UIButton!
public override func setup() {
height = { return 75 }
row.title = nil
row.value = nil
selectionStyle = .none
profileImg.contentMode = .scaleAspectFill
profileImg.clipsToBounds = true
guard let tmp = row.value else { return } /
replyUser.text = tmp.userid
replyBody.text = tmp.body
public override func update() {
guard let tmp = row.value else { return }
replyUser.text = tmp.userInfo.name
replyBody.text = tmp.body
profileImg.image = loadImageFromUrl(img_Url: tmp.userInfo.imageUrl).circle
public final class SnsReplyRow : Row<SnsReplyCell>, RowType {
required public init(tag: String?) {
super.init(tag: tag)
cellProvider = CellProvider<SnsReplyCell>(nibName: "SnsReplyCell")
config section,
var rows : [BaseRow] = []
var section1 = Section()
func replyFormConfig() -> Section{
section1.header?.height = { 1 }
self.tableView?.separatorStyle = .none
for option in snsReplies {
$0.value = Tmp_ReplyList(tripid: option.tripid, pinid: option.pinid, userid: option.userid, body: option.body, date: option.date, _id: option._id, userInfo: option.userInfo!)
$0.validationOptions = .validatesOnChange
}.cellSetup({ (cell, row) in
cell.delBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.delAction(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
}).cellUpdate { cell, row in
cell.replyUser.text = option.userInfo?.name
cell.replyBody.text = option.body
cell.profileImg.image = loadImageFromUrl(img_Url: (option.userInfo?.imageUrl)!).circle
// indexPath = nil below;
cell.delBtn.tag = row.indexPath.row
cell.delBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.delAction(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
if !row.isValid {
cell.replyUser.text = "is not valid"
cell.replyBody.text = option.body
.onCellSelection { cell, row in
// indexPath = nil below too;
cell.delBtn.tag = row.indexPath.row
return section1
delete, when clicking the de button.
func delAction(_ sender: UIButton){
// sender.tag is cell.delBtn.tag below;
let parameters = ["userid": snsReplies[sender.tag].userid, "replyid": snsReplies[sender.tag]._id]
Alamofire.request(pom_url + "/sns/reply/delete", method: .post, parameters: parameters).responseJSON { (response) in
switch response.result {
case.success(let data):
self.section1.remove(at: self.delBtnTag)
print("[sns/reply/delete] err")
func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, willDisplay cell: UITableViewCell, forRowAt indexPath: IndexPath) {
cell.delBtn.tag = indexPath.row //not Working
If you use
for (index,option) in snsReplies.enumerated() {
you can use index as indexPath.row, and use it like here
func replyFormConfig() -> Section{
section1.header?.height = { 1 }
self.tableView?.separatorStyle = .none
for (index,option) in snsReplies.enumerated() {
$0.value = Tmp_ReplyList(tripid: option.tripid, pinid: option.pinid, userid: option.userid, body: option.body, date: option.date, _id: option._id, userInfo: option.userInfo!)
$0.validationOptions = .validatesOnChange
}.cellSetup({ (cell, row) in
cell.delBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.delAction(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
}).cellUpdate { cell, row in
cell.replyUser.text = option.userInfo?.name
cell.replyBody.text = option.body
cell.profileImg.image = loadImageFromUrl(img_Url: (option.userInfo?.imageUrl)!).circle
// indexPath = nil below;
cell.delBtn.tag = index
cell.delBtn.addTarget(self, action: #selector(self.delAction(_:)), for: UIControlEvents.touchUpInside)
if !row.isValid {
cell.replyUser.text = "is not valid"
cell.replyBody.text = option.body
.onCellSelection { cell, row in
// indexPath = nil below too;
cell.delBtn.tag = index
return section1
I hope this helps you, if you have any problem with this please let me know, I will help you