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Can't install ggplot with anaconda

(I'm aware of this question Cannot install ggplot with anaconda but that is aimed at Windows, and I'm running a Linux OS)

I'm attempting to install the ggplot package in a python3 (v3.6.0) Anaconda environment:

$ conda install ggplot
Fetching package metadata .............

PackageNotFoundError: Package missing in current linux-64 channels: 
  - ggplot

Close matches found; did you mean one of these?

    ggplot: r-ggplot2, r-gplots

If I use conda search I get:

$ conda search ggplot 
Fetching package metadata .............
r-ggplot2                    1.0.0                         0  defaults        
                             1.0.0                        0a  defaults        
                             1.0.1                  r3.2.2_0  defaults        
                             1.0.1                  r3.2.0_0  defaults        
                             1.0.1                  r3.2.1_0  defaults        
                             1.0.1                 r3.2.1_0a  defaults        
                             1.0.1                 r3.2.2_0a  defaults        
                             1.0.1                 r3.2.0_0a  defaults        
                             2.1.0                  r3.3.1_0  defaults        
                             2.2.0                  r3.3.1_0  defaults        
                             2.2.0                  r3.3.2_0  defaults

but if I search for ggplot I get lots of results.

The questions: why am I not seeing those results when using conda search? What is the difference between ggplot and r-ggplot2 (the package it offers to install when I search for ggplot)?


  • Why am I not seeing those results when using conda search?

    The difference for search is that conda search only searches in your channels, anaconda search or the search on includes all (public) channels. The name in front of the package name is the channel, for example xyz/ggplot the xyz is the channel.

    What is the difference between ggplot and r-ggplot2

    It's probably a naming convention. anaconda has several R based packages and it's likely they seperate them using the r- prefix from more regular python packages. So if you don't plan to use it with "R" you should probably look for a suitable candidate without the r-.