I would like to know if we have any specific api's in OpsCenter which would help in generating custom reports. The use case is: I am consolidating reports from different tools like App Dynamics,OpsCenter and others into one csv or excel sheet for which i would require any opscenter api which would allow me to do a backend call which would pull the required info for me from OpsCenter and then i can do some additional stuff and consolidate it along with other data in a csv or excel in an automated way. Any api which would help me with backend Opscenter calls for reports data would be helpful.
The OpsCenter API is fully documented at http://docs.datastax.com/en/latest-opscenter/opsc/opscApi_g.html
If the kinds of reports you're looking to generate involve metric data, you'll be particularly interested in the new-metrics endpoint: http://docs.datastax.com/en/opscenter/6.0/api/docs/metrics.html#method-get-new-metrics
Otherwise you'll just have to wade through it to find what you're looking for. But the front-end is all driven through those api's, so anything you see in the web-interface can be replicated via the documented apis.