So I am trying to balance a binary search tree by recursively setting the children of each node:
public void balanceTheTree(){
root = balance(keys, names);
public Node balance(List<Integer> keyList, List<String> nameList){
if(root == null){
return null;
int newRootIndex = keyList.size()/2;
Node focusNode = new Node(keyList.get(newRootIndex), nameList.get(newRootIndex));
focusNode.leftChild = balance(keyList.subList(0, newRootIndex), nameList.subList(0, newRootIndex));
focusNode.rightChild = balance(keyList.subList(newRootIndex+1, keyList.size()),nameList.subList(newRootIndex+1, nameList.size()));
return focusNode;
buildArrays() uses an in order traversal to store the trees values (names) and keys (keys) in their respective Lists. Names is a List<String>
and keys is a List<Integer>
Unfortunately balance is throwing an exception at any line that attempts to access the lists.
Here is the error:
Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
at java.util.ArrayList$SubList.checkForComodification(Unknown Source)
at java.util.ArrayList$SubList.size(Unknown Source)
at BinaryTree.balance(
at BinaryTree.balance(
at BinaryTree.balanceTheTree(
at tester.main(
Where line 43 is int newRootIndex = keyList.size()/2;
public void buildArrays(Node focusNode){
if(focusNode != null){
The problem is that you use keyList.subList()
, to which you are adding new elements and that is a reason for ConcurrentModificationException
Instead of sublist, pass a copy of the actual sublist, e.g. new ArrayList<>(keylist.subList(0, 4))