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PhpStorm can not parse PHPUnit version output. Very strange error

I'm trying to set up PHPUnit in PhpStorm 2017.1 on Windows 10 using a Vagrant box for a Laravel project. I've set up a remote interpreter, and I've been using it for a couple of months now, everything working fine.

I've been asked to do some unit testing so I've set up PhpStorm with PHPUnit, following my coworkers' instructions (PhpStorm on Mac) but when I select autoload.php in my vendor folder I receive the error message

"Can not parse PHPUnit version output: Could not open input file: /vagrant/vendorphpunitphpunitphpunit" (no slashes).

If I run PHPUnit via vagrant ssh in the command line, my tests execute fine, and I can manually select the PHPUnit phar in PhpStorm, but then I'm missing the autoloaded classes, so everything fails.

Screenshot of PhpStorm's PHPUnit config


  • WI-35806 -- seems the same. It was marked as fixed today.

    If that's the right ticket then the fix should be available in 2017.1.2 -- you may try EAP build when it will become available if you cannot wait until 2017.1.2 final will be officially released.