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Laravel 5.2 Authentical ACL

Hi am trying to use laravel-authentical acl for admin panel setup. All what i did is

  1. downloaded laravel 5 by following official documentation of package
  2. Followed instruction given by package
  3. on step 7 i found this error

[Cartalyst\Sentry\Groups\GroupExistsException] A group already exists with name [superadmin], names must be unique for gro ups.

I didn't get this error in previous installation though.

Also, i found nothing when i hit http://url_of_my_application/login

I am unable to set it up. I am new to Laravel. A help will be appericiated.


  • First truncate all the data from groups table then try to install package again , please check the error it says group already exists , It will work definitely .Also ACL creates group dynamically on installation , so take a database table backup first then truncate the table data. If you will change the group name from core files then it will take much time and not a standard way . Let ACL do its process itself don't customize files .Best of luck !!!