Say that I have the following array of keywords
(def keys [::description ::url ::mailing-list])
which I want to reuse in two specs; one for defining a map and one for defining optional arguments to a function.
(require '[clojure.spec :as spec])
(spec/def ::project-map
(spec/keys :opt-un keys))
(spec/def ::project-args
(spec/keys* :opt-un keys))
The problem is then that the keys
and keys*
get passed the quoted symbol 'keys
and not the resolved value held in the variable it's referring to.
So my question is: Is it possible to resolve the value of keys at read time like the common lisp #.
reader macro, or does the macro have to be redefined to resolve the symbol if it gets a symbol instead of a list literal?
You could also wrap them in another macro, since macros are responsible for how their arguments are evaluated.
(defmacro def-both [name name* keys]
`(do (s/def ~name (s/keys :opt-un ~keys))
(s/def ~name* (s/keys* :opt-un ~keys))))
(user/def-both ::project-map ::project-args [::description ::url ::mailing-list])