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How to get the content of an Element (CDATA) while preserving line breaks?

I tried to get the content of an Element which has only a CDATA section. Inside the CDATA are multiple lines of text.

However when I try element.getValue() .getText() or .getTextTrim() they all strip the line breaks out.

I need to get a String that preserves the linebreaks. What can I do?


  • Here's some code I put together, based on the example XML file:

       <data><![CDATA[This is text
       with some newlines
       in it, and some other spaces.]]></data>

    and the code:

    public static void main(String[] args) throws JDOMException, IOException {
        Document doc = new SAXBuilder().build("data/cdata.xml");
        String cdata = doc.getRootElement().getChild("data").getText();

    which produces the output:

    This is text
       with some newlines
       in it, and some other spaces.

    which implies that it works OK.