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How can multiple developers use the same vcproj files?

I'm working on a project with two other developers that's built on FireBreath. So far, I've been able to get things working perfectly on my machine, but we need to coordinate our development via Mercurial. So I pushed my files to the repository and thought all was well.

Unfortunately, that doesn't work.

The various .vcproj files that make up the solution all contain hard-coded references to my local file system. This works fine for me, because I'm not moving the project around. But when you try to build the solution on another machine with a different file structure (different drive letter, different folder location, etc.) everything breaks.

I used FireBreath's standard project generation script (Python) and then the Visual Studio CMake script (prep2008.cmd) to generate the solution files. What can I do to tweak things so that other developers can use the same code base?


  • To make sure that everyone caught the updated comments from sbi's answer, let me give you the "definitive" answer from the FireBreath devs.

    Your build directory is disposable; you should never share .vcproj files. Instead, you should regenerate your build/ directory any time you change the project and on each new computer, just like any project that uses CMake.

    For more information, see

    For reference, I am the primary author of FireBreath and I wrote the article.