I am updating a swift 2.3 project to 3.1 and I am running into an issue converting this function, specifically on one line.
This is in an extension on Data.
public func read<T: BinaryReadable>(offset f_offset: inout Int,
byteOrder: ByteOrder = .HostByteOrder) -> T? {
// Validate the specified offset boundary.
guard self.count >= (f_offset + MemoryLayout<T>.size) else {
return nil
//let dataPtr = Unsas
// Get data pointer at offset location.
let dataPtr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bytes).advancedBy(f_offset)
// Increment the offset position.
f_offset += MemoryLayout<T>.size
// Read data from offset location and return in specified endianess.
let retVal = UnsafeRawPointer(dataPtr).load(as: T.self)
return (byteOrder == .littleEndian) ? retVal.littleEndian : retVal.bigEndian
I can't seem to get the line
let dataPtr = UnsafePointer<UInt8>(bytes).advancedBy(f_offset)
to convert to using an UnsafeRawPointer. I have tried too many to list here with no success (compile errors).
What would be the proper syntax?
The withUnsafeBytes()
method of Data
gives access to the bytes,
and the load()
method of UnsafeRawPointer
takes an optional byte offset argument:
let retVal = self.withUnsafeBytes {
UnsafeRawPointer($0).load(fromByteOffset: f_offset, as: T.self)
But note that this assumes (as does your original code) that the
memory address is properly aligned for the type T