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handling multi-indexing in Pandas Python

Consider a the data in following way where ProductId and Date are indexes. I used the following code

>>> df = df.set_index('Date').groupby('productID').resample('W').sum()

productID   Date    
1000    01/01/2017  10
        01/08/2017  15
        01/15/2017  64
        01/22/2017  21
        01/29/2017  21
1001    01/01/2017  15
        01/08/2017  54
        01/15/2017  51
        01/22/2017  19
        01/29/2017  56

I want to pivot the results in the following way

productID   01/01/2017  01/08/2017  01/15/2017  01/22/2017  01/29/2017
1000           10          15         64           21         21
1001           15          54         51           19         56

I am trying to do this by using the pivot function in Pandas

df = df.pivot(index='ProductID', columns='Date', values='Sales')

but it returns the following error

ValueError: cannot insert ProductID, already exists

Please guide me how can I transform the results in the given way. Thanks


  • I think you need add ['Sales'] for convert to Series with unstack:

    df = df.set_index('Date').groupby('productID').resample('W')['Sales'].sum().unstack(1)
    #same as
    #df = df.set_index('Date').groupby('productID').resample('W').sum()['Sales'].unstack(1)
    print (df)
    Date       01/01/2017  01/08/2017  01/15/2017  01/22/2017  01/29/2017
    1000               10          15          64          21          21
    1001               15          54          51          19          56