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API Controller Post method return type/value

I want to use a .NET Web API 2 Controller for my game.

I added one to my project and I updated my Global.axax.vb & Application_Start method per the instructions.

Right now I'm just trying to figure out how it works.

But I don't know what to return or how to return with my Controller method.

This is my test ajax method:

    $("#btnUpdate").click(function(e) {

        var Data = {};
        Data.test1 = "testVal1";
        Data.test2 = "testVal2";

            url: 'api/GameData',
            method: 'POST',
            dataType: 'json',
            contentType: 'application/json; charset=utf-8',
            data: Data,
            success: function(data) {
                alert("Saved successfully");
            fail: function(jqXHR, textStatus) {
                alert("Request failed: " + textStatus);

This is my empty PostValue method that Visual Studio generated:

    ' POST: api/GameData
    Public Sub PostValue(<FromBody()> ByVal value As String)
        'what type of return value?
    End Sub

What should this method return?



  • Depending on scenario it can return one of following

    1. void --> http response will be 204

    2. HttpResponseMessage

    3. IHttpActionResult

    4. Serialized return body for http reponse 200

    Generally, Http POST api return 201 created with resource created. Example

    Public Function PostValue(<FromBody> value As String) As IHttpActionResult
        Dim product = New With {Key .Name = "Watch", .Price = 250}
        return Content(HttpStatusCode.Created, product, new JsonMediaTypeFormatter())
    End Function

    For details will example